Hwarang(화랑) Program
for Young Korean Mathematicians

The Hwarang Program at PMI is designed to stimulate the research activities of young Korean mathematicians who have recently received or is about to receive their Ph.D. degree. The main goal of this program is to encourage the young researchers to continue their research on problems related to their dissertation and also provide support for their interaction with the advanced graduate students in the mathematics program at POSTECH.
A researcher in the Hwarang Program should stay at PMI for a period of at least a week. The Institute will provide office space and accommodation. Travel expenses including an economy class airfare will be reimbursed on condition that researcher stays 80% over the weekdays at least. The obligation of a researcher in the Hwarang Program is to give a talk on his/her Ph.D. dissertation during the stay at PMI.
An eligible candidate for this program is
a Ph.D. who received his/her degree in the last two years from a domestic or a foreign university, or a graduate student who is expected to complete his/her degree in half a year at a foreign university. Applications can be made at any time, preferably four weeks before the starting date of the planned stay. Decision making takes usually about two weeks. An applicant should submit
a curriculum vitae; a description of dissertation; the dates for the proposed visit. Applications should be sent to the Director of the Institute, preferably by e-mail to, with attachments in pdf format. The Institute will consider all areas of research in mathematics. The areas related to the research of the regular faculty members of PMI will be given preference.